CEP - The Center for Effective Performance
CEP stands for The Center for Effective Performance
Here you will find, what does CEP stand for in Management under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate The Center for Effective Performance? The Center for Effective Performance can be abbreviated as CEP What does CEP stand for? CEP stands for The Center for Effective Performance. What does The Center for Effective Performance mean?The Management company falls under management consulting category and is located in Atlanta, Georgia.
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Alternative definitions of CEP
- Circular Error Probable
- Complex Event Processing
- Chemical Engineering Progress
- Count Enable Parallel
- Core Enterprise Php
- Committee on Environmental Protection
- Caribbean Environment Program
- Concept Evaluation Program
View 145 other definitions of CEP on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- CSLM City of Saint Louis Missouri
- CDMBGC Colonel Daniel Marr Boys and Girls Club
- CSC Chinese Swimming Club
- CMSL CM Solutions Ltd
- CEDM The Collaborative Event Design and Management
- CHCRR Community Health Centers of the Rutland Region
- CIIP China International Investment Platform
- CQDT Custom Quality Door and Trim
- CBSL Collaborative Business Solutions LLC
- CRE Capital Real Estate
- CRIL Commercial Risk Insurance LLC
- CMSL Cragg Management Services Limited
- CGS Command Guard Services
- CMSA Corporate Media Services Australia
- CTS Collinson Technology Services
- CPN Commercial Property Network
- CCC California Cult Classics
- CR Casa del Rio
- CVH Center for Vaginal Health